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Information Architecture Working Group (IAWG)

  • Activity Aims

For DITA to be introduced successfully, key points include reconstructing information on the basis of the DITA architecture and implementing content (map design and topic creation).

The purpose of this Working Group is to contribute to the successful promotion and introduction of DITA in Japan, by researching optimal design methods and hands-on methods for DITA and by creating guidelines and skill standards to improve the user experience quality of DITA.

  • Research Themes

– Define skill requirements for information architects
– Research methods for information analysis and structural design
– Research the methodology of DITA topic-based writing and improve quality
– Research DITA content management systems, production methods, and tools
– Create DITA information architecture guides

  • Activities

– Hold monthly meetings where each member presents and discusses the progress or outcomes of their research
(Prepare samples of each theme and discuss how this theme can be optimized so that guidelines can be created)
– Exchange opinions through mailing lists and social networking services (SNS)
– Present the outcomes of research at DITA Festa
– Present the outcomes of research to the public

  • Staff

Tetsuyoshi Kato (LLC Art Darwin)

Tomoaki Kamiya, Tomomi Kinoshita (Chuozuken, Co., Ltd.)