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Content Localization Working Group

  • Activity Aims

This Working Group researches the optimal methodology for content localization with DITA and promotes DITA-based content localization.

  • Expected Outcomes

– Issues regarding content localization with DITA
– Workarounds and prerequisites for the issues stated above

  • Planned Activities in this Fiscal Year

– From June to August 2009: Find any issues regarding content localization with DITA
1) Define the localization processes
2) Define each character (role) on each process
3) Find assumed issues for each process and role
– From September 2009 onwards: Narrow down issues and start considering workarounds
– Implementation plan:
1) Lay out a verification plan (verify with a pilot project if possible)
2) Perform verification (with a pilot project) according to the plan
3) Measure the effects and report the results
4) Lay out the next plan

  • Staff

Kazuhisa Kobayashi (SDL Japan K.K.)

Vice Chairperson:
Satoshi Tashiro (Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.)

TBD (Maruboshi Co., Ltd.)