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DITA Pandemic Working Group

  • Activity Aims

To promote DITA, it is necessary to publish the outcomes of research conducted by Working Groups and to spread the use of these outcomes.
This Working Group attempts to find the most optimal and effective method to generate enthusiasm for adopting DITA.

  • Expected Outcomes

– Create joint research reports with related organizations
– Create and organize materials to introduce DITA
– Plan and hold DITA training and conferences
– Plan DITA introduction and education skill standards

  • Planned Activities in this Fiscal Year

– Introduce DITA technology to related technical organizations and promote joint research efforts
Alliances with the following organizations are currently under way:

1) XML Consortium
A regular alliance partner
Research assistance in developing a program to set up composition information for DITA with the Cross Media Publishing Working Group

2) Japan Technical Communicators Association
Joint standardization project with DITA to create product documentation

3) e-Learning Consortium Japan
Joint research on using DITA for educational content (planned)
– Presentation on introducing DITA for general purposes
– A brochure introducing DITA Consortium Japan
– DITA Skill Standard (a draft)

  • Staff

Tetsuyoshi Kato